Published: August 4, 2023

Capacity assessment of DRR, emergency and fire-fighting capacities in Dusheti municipality

Due to its geographical position and challenging landscape, Georgia is prone to natural disasters. According to Georgian law on Public Safety, all central and local governmental institutions are required to plan and execute integrated disaster risk assessment and management system (IDRAM) related activities under the guidance and supervision of the Emergency Management Service (EMS).

One of the main elements of the operational performance of the EMS is resource availability/reliability that is the degree to which the resources are ready and available to respond to emergencies. According to the analysis and organizational self-assessment, the operation performance of EMS, especially the performance of the Fire Department in municipalities, was considered as critical.

The population of Dusheti Municipality is around 25 700, while only one fire unit (26 firefighters) operates and ensures the safety of the whole municipality. Due to the terrain of Georgia, it is almost impossible to respond in a timely manner during some incidents since accessibility to certain places is limited by natural boundaries.

The presented EoD assignment is aligned with long-term efforts of Georgian stakeholders and its partners (including UNDP) who have been involved in efforts to enhance the capacities and capabilities of local stakeholders in Protected Areas of Dusheti Municipality. EoD assignment’s main goal is, therefore, the provision of necessary information about needs for strengthening fire-fighting capacities to be used for the elaboration of future interventions and projects. The deliverables of two international consultants are expected to serve as a solid baseline for future development of firefighting capabilities in target areas. 



Published: August 4, 2023





Sustainable management of natural resources


Marek Sobek Martin Nekula

Budget (USD)

$10 000