Published: April 27, 2020

Business Friendly Certification (BFC) for Municipalities in Georgia

Georgia has experienced relatively stable economic growth in recent years, however, its benefits have been largely concentrated in large urban centres. In rural areas, the challenge of high unemployment or underemployment still remains.

The proposed project, which is part of the UNDP Georgia’s initiative “Improving Rural Development in Georgia” (ENPARD III) aims to assess the possibilities of application of the standard for business-friendly municipalities within Georgia’s system of local self-governments and their competences for local economic development in light of the on-going decentralization reform process. The project plans to create a system of Business-Friendly Certification (BFC), which should provide municipalities with a clear roadmap for creating a favourable business environment and improving efficiency and transparency of local administration, thus leading to improved quality of life and higher levels of human development.



BFC Final Report 2021

Published: April 27, 2020


UNDP Country Office



Economic transformation and development


Jan Vozáb

Award (USD)
