Published: September 21, 2020

Effective Hospital Waste Treatment in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hospital waste management in Bosnia and Herzegovina remains a largely discussed topic with weak regulations. The produced hospital waste is usually mixed and dumped without any further sorting or processing, which highly affects the environmental situation and increases the risk to human health. This situation is highly unsustainable, especially as the amount of hospital waste is expected to further increase in the upcoming years.

The project focuses on a reliable disposal of hospital wastes including municipal wastes contaminated by COVID-19 produced by hospitals and related medical facilities. It aims to identify and evaluate the best available hospital waste treatment technologies from technical, economic, environmental and legislative aspects, enabling optimized consumption of energy and utilities and generating savings of operational costs.

The project is led by DAMARIS Solutions (DAMARIS), an engineering-consulting enterprise focusing on effective solutions for waste treatment.


Feasibility Study

Final Report

Published: September 21, 2020

UNDP Country Office

Bosnia and Herzegovina


Economic transformation and development


DAMARIS Solutions

Award (USD)

$40 000

Local partner

Javna ustanova Opća bolnica "Prim.Dr. Abdulah Nakaš"