Published: February 7, 2024

Re.Wine – Wine based on regenerative agriculture

About the Project:

Climate change’s substantial impacts on Moldova’s vital grape and wine production industry, responsible for a significant portion of income and livelihoods, are manifesting through shifting grape-growing patterns due to rising temperatures. Warmer winters affect vine dormancy and frost resistance, while hotter growing seasons alter the balance of sugars and acids critical to wine quality. Escalating extreme weather events like heatwaves and intense rainfall pose sunburn, disease, and erosion risks, potentially leading to reduced yields and compromised wine quality. Changing precipitation patterns also impact vineyards, influencing soil moisture levels, potentially causing drought stress or waterlogged soils, affecting overall vine health and growth. This issue is particularly significant for Moldova, where wine production contributes around 20% of GDP with 10% of the population involved either directly or indirectly. 

The solution being proposed is an innovative web-based regenerative practices support platform, developed by Big Terra, targeting grape producers and winery stakeholders. Building on established Climate Report dashboards, this platform will offer climate and environmental intelligence to enhance resilience against climate impacts, especially for regenerative agricultural practices. The service is supported by a business model that can offset investments in regenerative agriculture through carbon offsetting programs, facilitating sustainable growth and mitigating climate change’s adverse effects. 

Learn more:

Moldovan wine-makers have access to a regenerative viticulture platform, created with UNDP-Czech support | United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Moldova CO article, November 2024)

Four Czech organisations will implement innovative projects with Moldovan partners | United Nations Development Programme   (UNDP Moldova CO article, February 2024)

Final report

Press release

Published: February 7, 2024





Decent work and economic growth


Big Terra




National Association for Rural Development