Public involvement into the process of regional development via community planning in Abmrolauri and Tkibuli in Georgia
According to the Georgian EU Country Roadmap for Engagement with Civil Society on the local level, the main obstacle to policy dialogue is the low level of autonomy of local authorities and the limited capacities of the local authority staff. Although dialogue mechanisms do exist on paper, in practice, they are often hampered by a lack of timely information about the opportunities for dialogue, the low capacities of potential stakeholders in the process, a lack of awareness of rights to participate in decision-making and the limited authority of the local government.
The project aims to strengthen the capacity of CBOs and municipal actors to enable a productive dialogue on community development and increase public involvement in the decision-making processes at the local level. In close cooperation with the Georgian partner, it creates a model for the interaction, where pilot communities of Ambrolauri and Tkibuli are actively involved in the development of plans and selection of development priorities. This shall enhance the capacity of the Georgian civil society to contribute to governance and decision-making processes on the local level and lead to more transparent, inclusive and democratic decision-making processes.
The project is led by NESEHNUTÍ Brno, a social and ecological NGO that works on the basis that environmental and social problems and has a long-term experience in cooperation with local civic initiatives and CSOs.
Podcast: Globálně spolu 03: Česká stopa na gruzínském venkově