Reviewing the Disaster Risk Management Strategy for Moldova
2020, EOD, Moldova
Transferring Best Practices for Piloting of Energy Cooperatives in Moldova
2020, EOD, Moldova
Smart Transport and Mobility Strategy and Action Plan for Chisinau City
2020, EOD, Moldova
Transfer of Czech Experience in the Development and Implementation of the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan of the Chisinau Municipality (SECAP)
2019, EOD, Moldova
Promotion of Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Solutions in the Water and Civil Protection Sectors for Enhanced Rural Resilience
2019, EOD, Moldova
Transfer of Czech experience in the Development and Implementation of Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in Multi-story Buildings
2019, EOD, Moldova
Transfer of Czech experience in the Development and Implementation of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of the Chisinau Municipality
2018, EOD, Moldova