Published: April 22, 2020

Improving Approach of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Emergency Preparedness and Response

The World Health Organisation’s (WHO) International Health Regulations present a key framework for nations on how to effectively prevent, prepare for, detect and respond to public health crises such as highly infectious diseases, epidemics and pandemics. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, their implementation has not been done yet thus highlighting the need to improve the country’s emergency preparedness and response.

The project aims to conduct a feasibility study followed by the transfer of know-how that would provide a complex solution for the occurrence, safe transport, isolation and hospitalization of patients with highly infectious diseases as well as a creation of the system of responsibilities for individual responders to the crises. Therefore, such activities should improve the country’s protection of public health, the ability to deal with emergencies and should also eliminate any negative economic impacts potentially caused by dealing with its consequences.

The project has been managed by EGO Zlín company which produces and distributes complex biological protection systems, logistics, and decontamination systems for acute medicine or long-term treatments.


Final Report

SDGs relevant to the project:

Published: April 22, 2020

UNDP Country Office

Bosnia and Herzegovina


Economic growth via innovative technology and/or big data usage


EGO Zlín, spol. s.r.o.

Award (USD)


Local partner