Feb 11 2022 DOT Glasses: Creating a low-cost eyeglasses distribution network in Ethiopia
Poor vision impacts at least 2,2 billion people around the world and some 1 billion people do not have correction for their vision impairment. Czech innovative company DOT Glasses makes correction glasses accessible to people could not afford standard vision care. -
Dec 08 2021 Using drones to locate new water sources in Ethiopia
As Ethiopia’s shallow water sources are becoming scarce and polluted, alternative water supplies sources need to be identified. Through the 2021 Challenge Fund, LIAZ Exploration uses its airborne exploration tools to locate sustainable deeper groundwater sources in one of the most drought-affected area, the Somali Region. In this article, Ms Zuzana Beranová shares her own experience from Ethiopia and explains what LIAZ seeks to achieve with their local partners. -
Aug 05 2021 Czech geological expertise improves water management in Ethiopia
Working in cooperation with the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA), AQUATEST recently completed their project of Mapping shallow groundwater resources (SGWR) for household irrigation by developing Ethiopia’s first ever set of monitoring wells. With funding provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, the Czech-UNDP Partnership’s Challenge Fund brings innovative solutions from the Czech Republic. -
Apr 21 2021 Czech Republic’s contribution to World Creativity and Innovation Day
The United Nations designated 21 April as World Creativity and Innovation Day to raise awareness of the role of creativity and innovation in all aspects of human development.
Around the world, innovative approaches contribute to mitigating challenges such as poverty, hunger, environmental degradation. By expanding opportunities for everyone, they provide momentum for economic growth and job…