Ethiopia – Czech Challenge Fund 2022

As there is a currently an open call for applications for Czech Challenge Fund 2022, we would like to introduce you all the priority countries to make your decision making easier.

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is a landlocked country located in the Horn of Africa – easternmost part of African continent and has a population of 117 million people (12th most populous country in the world!). It is composed of 9 National Regional States with a capital city Addis Ababa.

Ethiopia has been one of the priority countries of Challenge Fund since 2020. So far, there were 4 projects implemented with two of them finishing this year. Ethiopia is a big country with a great potential for new projects and innovation possibilities.

Projects that were implemented in the past were so far focused on two main areas – healthcare and water resource management. Challenge Fund projects provided affordable glasses to thousands of people in the country. Projects focused on water availability provided solutions on clearing water sources and looking for the water reserves beneath the ground. You can find the full list of implemented projects here.

Ethiopia has various interest in different innovations beyond the above mentioned topics both in the capital city and countryside, that is why the priorities of UNDP office in Ethiopia for 2022 call for applications are as follows:

  1. Climate Resilience and Environment Sustainability: with focus on e.g., Access to renewable, affordable, and clean energy, Solar energy solutions, Sustainable urbanization and smart city technologies including strategic benchmarking tools for economic growth via Big Data usage, Dynamic traffic control and intersection coordination, Systems for inspection and maintenance of city infrastructure, Data crowd sourcing platforms.
  2. Inclusive Economic Transformation: with focus on e.g., Strengthening the innovation ecosystem targeting the youth, Technologies and tools to facilitate technology transfer and cooperation between universities and industry, Inclusive and innovative finance, Digital payments and innovative finance tools/approaches, Support to SMEs, Sustainable agriculture.

About the Czech-UNDP Partnership – Challenge Fund and Expertise on Demand

Through the Challenge Fund and Expertise on Demand, the Czech-UNDP Partnership for SDGs brings innovative solutions from the Czech Republic’s private sector, NGOs, universities, state institutions, research centres and individuals to tackle specific developmental challenges in the priority countries. The implementation of projects and expertises is financially supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

Currently a new call for application is open, deadline is on 31th July 2022!