Building the seismic monitoring infrastructure in southern Main Ethiopian Rift (Arba Minch Area)
2023, CF, Ethiopia
E-Geo-Library: Digital Innovation for Integrated Water Sector Management in Ethiopia
2023, CF, Ethiopia
Smart Technology Transfer for Ethiopia
2022, CF, Ethiopia
Safer Roads in Ethiopia Through Identification of High Risk Locations
2022, CF, Ethiopia
Girl community center in Addis Ababa
2022, CF, Ethiopia
Natural-based Wastewater Treatment Plants for the City of Hawassa
2021, CF, Ethiopia
LIAZ Exploration Technology: Locating the aquifers in the Somali Region
2021, CF, Ethiopia
Creating a low-cost eyeglasses distribution network in Ethiopia
2020, CF, Ethiopia
Monitoring of sustainability of shallow ground water resources for household irrigation
2020, CF, Ethiopia