Expertise on Demand Projects
Assessment of 3 municipalities in Georgia for identifying entry points for capacity building through the transfer of Czech expertise
2023, EOD, Georgia
International Consultant for Strategic Programming and Resource Mobilization Consultancy for Anti-Corruption Initiatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2023, Bosnia and Herzegovina, EOD
Management Plan for Truso Protected Landscape, Georgia
2024, EOD, Georgia
Integrated Smart Urban Mobility Plan for Kutaisi
2024, EOD, Georgia
Development of Mental Health Peer Work Capacities in Georgia
2024, EOD, Georgia
Cybersecurity Capacity Building in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2024, Bosnia and Herzegovina, EOD
Enhancing City Governance in Mostar
2024, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Research, drafting and economic modelling support for health knowledge products
2023, EOD, Georgia, Regional
Capacity assessment of DRR, emergency and fire-fighting capacities in Dusheti municipality
2023, EOD, Georgia
Protected landscapes designation and management guidelines in Georgia
2021, 2022, EOD, Georgia
Supporting Green Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2021, Bosnia and Herzegovina, EOD
Rustavi Innovation Project
2021, EOD, Georgia
Research for Policy: Sustainability Series
2020, EOD, Georgia
Communicating Official Development Assistance- an Example of the Czech Republic
2020, EOD
Developing SOP for crisis and risk management response in wood biomass sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2020, Bosnia and Herzegovina, EOD
Reviewing the Disaster Risk Management Strategy for Moldova
2020, EOD, Moldova
Socio-economic assessment of the COVID-19 impact in Europe and Central Asia
2020, EOD
Business Friendly Certification (BFC) for Municipalities in Georgia
2020, EOD, Georgia
Transferring Best Practices for Piloting of Energy Cooperatives in Moldova
2020, EOD, Moldova
Smart Transport and Mobility Strategy and Action Plan for Chisinau City
2020, EOD, Moldova
Reducing Food Waste in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2020, Bosnia and Herzegovina, EOD
Transfer of Czech Experience in the Development and Implementation of the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan of the Chisinau Municipality (SECAP)
2019, EOD, Moldova
Promotion of Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Solutions in the Water and Civil Protection Sectors for Enhanced Rural Resilience
2019, EOD, Moldova
Transfer of Czech experience in the Development and Implementation of Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in Multi-story Buildings
2019, EOD, Moldova
Scaling up Multi-Hazard Early Warning System and the Use of Climate Information in Georgia
2019, EOD, Georgia
Care Provision Models
2019, EOD, Georgia
Behavioural Science for Informed Policy Decision-making in Georgia
2018, EOD, Georgia
Be the Change You Want to See
2018, EOD, Georgia
Assistance in Preparation of Management Structure and Management Plan Outline of Planned Machakhela Protected Landscape
2018, EOD, Georgia
Transfer of Czech experience in the Development and Implementation of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of the Chisinau Municipality
2018, EOD, Moldova
Contribution to the Design of the FBIH Development Strategy 2021–2027 through Transfer of Sectoral Expertise from the Czech Republic
2018, Bosnia and Herzegovina, EOD
Integration of Fire Hazard and Risk Assessments into Disaster Risk Analysis System (DRAS) through Transfer of Knowledge and Czech Experience
2018, Bosnia and Herzegovina, EOD
Transferring Czech Technical Knowledge to Contribute to Improvement of Wood Biomass Utilization in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2018, Bosnia and Herzegovina, EOD